Research positions
New funded studentship, research assistant and postdoctoral positions will be advertised as they become available (see University of Exeter webpages).
I am keen to hear at any time from individuals with their own PhD studentship, postdoctoral or fellowship funding, or who have opportunities to apply for such funding, who would like to join the research group (please email). Current research interests are highlighted on the Research and Publications pages of this website. The research group has long been international in composition and in outlook, and benefits enormously from the breadth of experiences and knowledge that this brings.
I actively welcome academic and non-academic visitors to the research group, particularly for the purposes of conducting collaborative research with one or more members of the group. Proposals for short or extended visits, including sabbaticals, should be directed by email.
Unfortunately, I am not presently in a position financially to support travel and subsistence costs of visitors, but can assist in making arrangements.
The research group is based at the University of Exeter’s Penryn campus in Cornwall. This is an extraordinary region, with fantastic landscapes and seascapes. For a flavour of what it is like see the link below.